Med dette enkle, men komplekse premisset viser Fosse den mektige musikaliteten som ligg i språket og det som ikkje blir sagt.

Ein mann og ei kvinne. Aleine. I eit gamalt hus. Bortgøymt. Like ved sjøen. Akkurat som dei begge alltid har ønskt. Å vere vekke frå alle andre, aleine, men saman. Her, ved sjøen, i sitt eige hus. Men da draumen blir verkeleg, får dei ei uroleg kjensle. Det uunngåelege, at nokon kjem til å kome, blir som ei forbanning over dei begge.

Jon Fosse utforskar ulike sjatteringar av vage, dvelande truslar, noko som gjer Nokon kjem til å kome til ein erotisk, psykologisk og eksistensiell thriller som rommar poesi, komedie, drama og det groteske.

Nokon kjem til å kome er det første dramaet Fosse skreiv, og blei iscenesett første gongen ved Det Norske Teatret av Otto Homlung i 1996. Sidan har det blitt over 40 skodespel som har blitt oppførte over heile verda, frå London, Paris og Moskva til Tokyo. Det er det tredje Fosse-stykket Yannis Houvardas set i scene.

Det vil bli brukt strobelys under framsyninga.


A man and a woman. Alone. In an old house. Secluded. And right by the sea. Just like the two of them have always wanted. To be away from everyone else, alone, but together. There, by the sea, in their own house. But the realization of this dream also gives rise to an odd sense of unease. Are the two of them truly alone? Is someone else going to come? What cannot be excluded as a possibility turns into a bad omen. And mere intuition gives way to certainty, when someone truly does come: the young man who inherited the house and then sold it to them.

On this simple yet complex premise, employing the power of the musicality of language, innuendo and the unsaid, Fosse explores all the potential shades of a vague, lingering threat, making Someone is going to come an erotic, psychological and existential thriller, within which poetry, comedy, drama, suspense and the grotesque coexist in equal measures.

The Norwegian poet, novelist, essayist and theater writer Jon Fosse, the most widely performed European author of our time, is acknowledged as one of the most important voices of global literature. His work has been translated into more than fifty languages. He has received several international awards (with the highly prestigious Ibsen Award among them), and his plays have been staged by several leading directors (Claude Régy, Patrice Chéreau, Thomas Ostermeier, Oskaras Koršunovas, Ivo van Hove, Jürgen Gosch, Luk Perceval, Jossi Wieler, Katie Mitchell, etc.) in the world’s greatest theaters.

Someone is going to come is chronologically one of Fosse’s earliest works, first staged at the Norwegian National Theater (Det Norske Teatret) in 1996. It was followed by more than forty plays, which have been performed all over the world, from London to Moscow and from Paris to Tokyo.

Someone is going to come is the third play by Fosse to be directed by Yannis Houvardas, preceded by Beautiful (Amore Theater, 2004) and Death Variations (Poreia Theater, 2013.

Omvising i utstillinga Nokon kjem til å kome 25 år

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